Today, I would like to share with you an activity for >2yo toddlers. You may have seen my previous post on cartoons popsicles.
So naturally, having purchased a big bag of wooden sticks, I'm looking for more amazing activities to do with my son that are using those.
For this activity however, I purchased the Jumbo sized wooden sticks because I thought that it would be easier to handle for my son.
Note: that the previous article could also be based on these Jumbos.
Toddler fine motor skills popsicle activity
I'm happy to report this is also made from only 2 things: wooden sticks and velcros!!
If you purchased the Jumbos sticks from the previous post, then you only need to buy one thing, the velcros - if you don't already have at home!
That's how good this activity is!
If you purchased the thin wooden sticks, then I would recommend buying the Jumbos ones simply because the smallest velcros I could find are the perfect size for the Jumbos and would be too big for the Thins (I tried cutting the velcros in 2 and sticking them to the Thins but the velcro grip is a bit flimsy and does not work as well).
What your toddler can learn
- He can learn the colours of the wooden sticks
- He can explore the two different textures of a velcro
- He can observe and work out how to use a velcro
- He can learn to build shapes
- He can learn to name shapes
- He can associate shapes to single-coloured wooden sticks
- He can learn to be quiet at a restaurant while playing with this unconventional and educational home-made toy ;)
The only thing there's to do is stick the velcro on the sticks! :)
Now, because you can do pretty much anything, you can actually stick the velcros anywhere you want.
I did mine the simplest way you can:
- A soft velcro on one end and a grip velcro on the opposite end but same facing side.
- A soft velcro on one end and a grip velcro on the opposite en but reverse side.
My original plan was to stick them all on one facing side but it turned out I couldn't close the triangle, ah ah!
But if you have older kids, you can try sticking velcro on the half-length to make more complicated shapes.
I tested these yesterday afternoon when we went to a pizzeria:
I took a box of his favourite toys, including the godforsaken Woody and BuzzLight, and our Velcroed Popsicles!
To my delight, he played with them more than any other toy that I had brought for him. Result!
I showed him how the velcro textures were different on each side of the sticks and how they stick together, and how - of course - they make weird noise when you try to separate them.
He was mesmerized by the magic glue, but then his 2 and 1/2 yo spirit took over and the shapes became weapons to dismantle while making big gestures and funny faces.
I loved watching him play with this oh-so-simple toy and it gave me the confidence that I can find, and easily make, educational and fun activities for him.
What do you do to keep your LO busy when out at a restaurant?
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